Welcome to the family!

Welcome to Disc Dad! I’m just a casual playing dog dad dedicated to giving you Disc Golf tips, with a focus on tutorials, product reviews, and general news. I have been Playing Disc Golf for over half a decade now, and have been in love with disc sports for over a decade.

Back when I was in college, I played Ultimate Frisbee. One day, we only had five guys show up for practice. Instead of cancelling, our coach recommended we play Urban Disc Golf. What on earth is that? He started the round off and picked a picnic area sign on the other side of the field at the park we were at. “The goal,” he said, “is hit that sign from this starting spot in as few throws as possible.” It turned out to be a lot of fun, and we were able to practice all sorts of throws. This was my first introduction to disc golf. Armed with just a single disc, we threw at random things like signs, garbage cans, specific trees, and even concrete flower pots. Urban Disc Golf became a regular activity we would go out and play at least once a week.

As my college days drew to an end, I was invited to go disc golfing on an actual course. my enjoyment was rekindled. I had no idea that Disc Golf was an actual game, and I didn’t know where to start. I just went to a local store that sold Disc Golf gear and bought three discs. A driver, mid-range, and a putter. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was buying.

I don’t want this happening to you. The main goal of this blog is to give out tips and tricks to guide you on your Disc Golf adventure.